The latest entry into the Premier Series gave us a new, unique obstacle!
New obstacles are constantly being made in the sport of Ninja by intelligent and creative designers. In this new series, the World Ninja League will be spotlighting obstacles from around the Ninja World for their innovative and entertaining movements!
This week’s Obstacle Spotlight is Up For Snags, which made its debut at the Stamford Ninja Academy Premier Series Qualifier. The obstacle was designed by Will Schlageter, who attached two different holds to the same pulley system, allowing for a number of different techniques to be utilized.
One technique used involved catching both rings and swinging side-to-side to generate power for a dismount or transfer. This buildup could be deceptively tricky. As you move to either side, the pulley lowers the ring as your weight shifts. However, many athletes were able to figure it out.
For the Elite Division, one of the rings was swapped for a cane, and athleteswould have to thread the cane through the ring. The catch? As the cane moves down, the ring moves up and away, providing our athletes with a moving target. In the end, only Jackson Erdos was able to defeat this version of Up For Snags.