In ninja, courses consist of multiple obstacles connected together with start and finish platforms for each obstacle. Athletes competing on a ninja course will attempt to make their way from start platform to finish platform for each obstacle on the given course. Typically ninja courses will have maximum time athletes are able to attempt the course!
Full Course competitions are all about doing all of the obstacles in the entire course as efficiently as possible! Athletes receive difficulty points from each obstacle they complete! The harder the obstacle the more difficulty points they receive! Athletes with the most difficulty points will be ranked the highest! If multiple athletes have the same difficulty points the athlete with the better overall time score will be ranked higher! Overall time score is a point value given on each obstacle an athlete completes. The faster the athlete completes a given obstacle relative to the field the more time points they receive on that obstacle!
Read a simplified version of how scoring works below.
The premier obstacle league.
Welcome to the Premier Obstacle League. Our team is dedicated to growing the sport of ninja. We are proud to work together with our community to develop this exciting new sport. Subscribe to our email list to stay up to date on as our sport continues to grow!